RFQ For aquatic centres
How can you make your aquatic centre more efficient?
SmartConsult provide detailed reports for both new and for retrofitting Aquatic Centres with new heating and cooling systems. The systems we are advocating allow councils and pool operators to go off gas and fully electrify their Aquatic Centres. Our reports show the comparison between the existing operating costs of the installed system and the proposed new electric system. Traditionally heat pumps have not been installed in the lower latitudes in Victoria, SA and Tasmania, due to outdated heat pump designs.
The new heat pumps we recommend work well in these latitudes and provide a very acceptable level of efficiency. The reports also include details of other energy saving systems including thermal storage, glazing and air Handling Unit efficiencies. Our innovative solutions cost a lot less to run that traditional gas system and if teamed with renewable energy lower the cost per kWh of heating and cooling per patron. Our solutions allow Councils to meet their ‘Climate Emergency Action Plan’ targets by going off gas.
You can opt for a simple or a detailed report.
Typical RFQ and Report Structure for Aquatic Centres
An Aquatic Centre Report will identify the aquatic centre’s existing energy demand requirements for pool and domestic hot water heating, any associated costs, including maintenance costs associated with existing infrastructure, life cycle planning and energy use (Council will provide 12 months of current utility data).
The report will consider and compare the existing systems with one (Type 1 Report) or many (Type 2 report) other commercially available options to recommend appropriate electrification of hot water heating technologies specific to the aquatic centre using high efficiency, low environmental footprint & low environmental harm methodologies.
The Report will also consider any opportunities for heat reclaim technologies/methodologies that may be employed to improve overall efficiency.
The Report will detail maintenance requirements and obligations/replacement cycles and projected costs associated with each product or technology recommended.
The Report will include financial analysis including estimated upfront capital and ongoing operational costs of the proposed recommendations and complete ROI analysis. It will also Identify any risks and/or opportunities including health and safety implications, legal implications, etc as well as identify and scope any changes required to existing buildings, plant rooms or associated infrastructure including the electrical capacity required to move to electrification technology Proposed Page 3 of 4.
The Report will consider & estimate any financial penalties that may be incurred in relation to existing natural gas supply contracts i.e. MDQ (Maximum Demand Quantities), MHQ (Maximum Hourly Quantities), etc and calculate the expected net increase in Councils annual corporate electricity consumption associated with moving all the aquatic centres to electrification technologies. The Report will also recommend any Additional onsite renewable generation such as Solar PV may be recommended to mitigate this project risk. Click here to download the brochure or request a callback using the form below.
Your data is in good hands!
Using the most effective tools in the business, our report will show how much your centre can save on energy costs and what the best solution will be. To request a report or discuss an assessment call us on 1300 344 388 or click here to contact us.
At SmartConsult, we specialise in commercial solar and energy solutions for business owners across all industries as well as work with local councils and state government. Our recommendations not only save energy, they also save a lot in costs.