
CHAAS For High Efficiency, And Zero Capital Cost

CHAAS For High Efficiency, And Zero Capital CostThere are good reasons why some businesses and government entities are still sitting on the fence when it comes to moving towards natural refrigerants like low ammonia to power their heating and cooling systems.

The shift away from gas is not an easy one. The capital costs are often high and even with finance, the payback is not always in close enough sight for some decision makers and a full return on investment might take somewhere between 7-14 years. This is one of the reasons why we are seeing a lot of apprehension in this space. Clients want to take the step away from gas, but their budget does not allow for such a large up-front cost. Deep down they know a transition is necessary – but what can they do if they are in limbo other that wait?

CHAAS stands for ‘Cooling Heating As A Service’ and it is a global movement taking the energy world by storm changing the ownership model for the heating and cooling industry.

At SmartConsult, we are now offering clients to be charged for heating and cooling on a need to use basis, only paying for what is used, that’s it – no strings! Click here to read more about our CHAAS offering. 

This innovative pay-per-use business model allows clients to base their decision on life-cycle cost rather than on the capital cost of infrastructure thereby reducing risk as well as a huge investment.  

At SmartConsult we install and maintain the heating and cooling system, recovering the costs through regular payments made by our clients. These payments are on a cost-per-unit for the cooling and heating used. The cost is inclusive of the electricity cost used by the system. So it is, of course (as always) an incentive for us to install the most energy-efficient plant possible, and to perform high-quality maintenance on these systems.

The pay as you go charges are based on the amount of thermal heating and cooling in kWht thermal that is used by the facility with minimum and a maximum.  Charges are agreed prior to the project and adjusted over the first 6 months of the facility going live allowing for any changes during construction and commissioning.

You may only require cooling services for your building in which case you can opt for CAAS (Cooling As A Service) as opposed to CHAAS (Cooling And Heating As A Service) or you can have HAAS (just Heating As A Service).

The CHAAS, CAAS and HAAS are initiatives of the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) which is a philanthropic collaboration launched in 2017. It is managed by Climateworks to support the Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol and the transition to energy efficient, climate-friendly, affordable cooling solutions for all. To express your interest in CHAAS complete the CALLBACK form below or call us on 1300 344 388. 

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